Answer: Unfortunately there is no definitive answer. No reliable evidence shows that calories are burned more efficiently at different times of day. To get the most out of workouts, you must first find your circadian rhythm a.k.a. your body clock. Earth’s rotation affects this rhythm, which influences your bodily functions that relate to exercise. You may find your energy in the early morning but your friend may find it in the evening. Listen to your body and plan workouts around your typical energy peak time.

Secondly, consider your schedule pattern.  Planning workouts in the morning may keep them consistent. If you are more likely to stay later at work, or blow off an evening workout, start your days with a sweat session.  On the flip, it’s not a good idea to fight your body’s urge to get more sleep in the morning. Your circadian rhythm will be more happy with a workout in the evening.

If you aren’t sure what time of the day would allow a fantastic workout, go on trials. Work out in the morning for a few weeks, then try lunchtime, then evening. When did you have the most energy and felt the most accomplished after a workout?

Whatever and whenever you choose for exercise – make it a happy habit! You’ll never once regret a workout 🙂