How to Prep your Body on the Day of a Giant Feast:
Ahhh…the holidays. A reason to bring family and friends around the table for giant, heavy food filled feast. Laughter, cheer, and mouth-watering homemade meals are what the holidays are all about. Until, gluttony strikes!!! But, I have a few tricks of the trade to help you dodge the demon. Follow these simple tips day of feast and you can enjoy every bite, every sip, and every moment shared with loved ones without feeling uncomfy in the gut. Happy Holidays! xoxo
Eat breakfast – No exceptions. “Saving your calories” for the big meal is diet damaging. Kick start your metabolism and energy system first thing in the morning and your waistline will thank you.
Drink water – All day. Your metabolism can slow down even if you are mildly dehydrated. And staying hydrated keeps you burning cals all day long. Bottoms up!
Sign up for a Santa Trot – These goofy races are popping up everywhere so you’ll likely find one nearby. Benefits: Burn calories first thing, camaraderie, family togetherness, and personal accomplishment. Well worth the earlier wake up.
Eat a snack every few hours – Eating smaller amounts throughout the day will keep your metabolism cranking and you’ll eat less during the big feast without realizing. Ex; plain Greek yogurt with chopped nuts, edamame, turkey slices with avocado, or a smoothie with 1 scoop protein, ½ cup almond milk, and berries.
Eat an apple – Not only because one a day keeps the doctor away, but it can also stave off hunger. This pretty fruit is packed with fiber, immune and energy boosting qualities, and is heart healthy. Chomp away!
Use the “Rule of Fist” – As a general rule, most serving sizes can be eyeballed by using the size of your fist, or your palm.
Choose your favorite festive foods – There is no point filling up on foods that you normally have access too. Use your calories wisely and enjoy the once-a-year dishes that you absolutely love.
Socialize – Focus on family and friends. Staying occupied will take your thoughts somewhere else other than on our beautiful meal. Spend time with those that you never get to see, indulge in conversation, watch football, or go outside for nice walk or sports game. There is so much to be thankful for, so be present in the annual moment!